MultiRATE will conduct research in multiple fields to create solid ground for the development of the holistic, homogenous and harmonised RL evaluation methodology. The fields of research regarding the RLs will be the following: Technology (TRL), Societal (SRL), Security (SERL), Legal, Privacy and Ethics (LPERL), Integration (IRL), Commercialisation (CRL) and Manufacturing (MRL). In each field, appropriate indicators will be identified per level (RL1-9) and used for the accurate evaluation of solutions in the security domain. Where appropriate, the consortium will identify indicators for both LEAs and non-LEAs security practitioners.
To accurately evaluate solutions in all fields of O1, MultiRATE will develop unique methodology and indicators as each field measures different aspects, assets and has different objectives.
MultiRATE will develop a holistic RL evaluation methodology for security related solutions. The EU R&D community will take advantage of the developed solution (as it will be open access), harmonising the approach taken from all R&D projects, initiatives and more. This will enable EU bodies (e.g. REA) and the European community to evaluate the results with a common and objective approach. It will be designed in an agile and robust manner, and it will be tested in multiple domains (e.g. Cybersecurity, Border Management, Fight against Crime and Terrorism etc.). Multiple rounds of testing have been envisioned. This approach will maximize the accuracy of the evaluation. The MultiRATE holistic evaluation methodology will be based on the activities and outputs of O1 and O2.
Establishment of a network of projects and organisations that will support the design of the appropriate evaluation methodologies, and will support the calibration and testing of both individual RLs and the holistic. It will be built based on the partner’s existing networks and projects.
Evaluating accurately the RL of EU and National R&D solutions to support the investment forecasting of these solutions. The benefit is to twofold: support and guide organisations to update their investment and business plan; support both EU and National R&D funding authorities regarding the future strategic research planning and formulating research programmes based on more accurate investment needs (both financially and to stress the right domain area).which can support organisations to update their business and investment plan To achieve that, .MultiRATE aims to develop a clustering technique which will classify and further visualise the RL outcomes, indicating also relevant financial, human resources and management needed investments, thus presenting an attractive, clear and well-rounded potential exploitable proposal to the organisations interested to adopt such solutions. To achieve that, AI techniques and methodologies will be employed.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or REA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Duration: (12/2022-05/2025)
Grant Agreement Number: 101073929
Funded Under: HORIZON-CL3-2021-SSRI-01
Funding Scheme: RIA – Research and Innovation Actions
Topic: HORIZON-CL3-2021-SSRI-01-01 – A maturity assessment framework for security technologies
Cordis link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101073929