About the MultiRATE project
MultiRATE project aims to support the European R&D community, EC-Chaired initiatives, CERIS, and European Commission Agencies with a Multi-disciplinary and holistic evaluation methodology and calculation which will measure the Readiness Level of the outputs of EU R&D projects. It will be built upon seven main Readiness Level domains, Technology RL, Societal RL, Security RL, Legal, Privacy and Ethics RL, Integration RL, Commercialisation RL and Manufacturing RL. Therefore, MultiRATE will provide an advanced cross-disciplinary methodology and tool that will provide a common and harmonised assessment for all EU funded activities
Seven RL calculators will be developed (outlined below), which will comprise the MultiRATE holistic online calculator:

- Technology RL: This domain will mainly focus on the methodology developed under the ASGARD project, enhancing, tailoring and if needed redesigning and reimplementing the used calculator in order to create a stable tool for appropriate testing and calibration. This tool will also be used to evaluate the maturity level of the new developed tools that will be proposed such as the STARLIGHT (H2020-SU-AI-2020) project, among other.
- Societal RL: In this domain, the societal (acceptance) RL will be the way of assessing the level of societal adaptation of a particular technology, product, innovation, project to be integrated into society. Existing methodologies and indicators will be identified and used to evaluate the societal (acceptance) RL of tools and how they will become acceptable by the citizens. The most appropriate RL evaluation methodologies and indicators will also be enriched, developed and included in a standalone tool (e.g., excel based, application, etc.) reflecting the better testing of the solution.
- Security RL: The Security Readiness Level will mainly focus on security requirements combined with adopted standards ensuring that appropriate plans are in place as regards to the assets, critical services, access control systems, business continuity and security awareness in general. In that sense, existing methodologies and indicators will be identified and enriched in order to be included in a standalone tool for testing and validation.
- Legal, Privacy and Ethics RL: This readiness level will tackle the maturity level of sensitive data, privacy and data protection. Data protection best and worst practices will be discussed under this RL targeting also in the strategies that need to be developed in order to comply with data protection requirements. Existing privacy policies, security policies and guidelines will be reviewed and enriched in order to be distributed and implemented under a standalone tool.
- Integration RL: Technology RL is used in order to support decision making regarding the technology evolution in complex systems, but there is space for improvement in terms of the integration of technologies to a system architecture. Integration RL has been defined over the last years, representing the integration maturity between the technological elements of a system. The principal goal of IRL is to investigate the existing levels and then elaborate and evaluate them in a way that they will be incorporated via new methodologies and indicators in a standalone solution.
- Commercialisation RL: The Commercialisation RL framework will assess specific indicators which influence the commercial and market conditions beyond the technology maturity. In that way, an extensive list of existing and new indicators will be tackled under the MultiRATE project in order to explain the forward development of a project, for example taking a product/solution from a low CRL to higher CRL.
- Manufacturing RL: The Manufacturing RL (MRL) is used to assess the maturity of a given technology, system, subsystem, or component from a manufacturing perspective. Decision makers consider the MRL when assessing the technologies, products and processes. Existing principles and concepts will be identified and performed during the MultiRATE project and after this extensive analysis, new methodologies and indicators will also be developed under a standalone tool (e.g., excel based, application, etc.).
- Holistic RL: the Holistic RL will be a conjunction of all above-mentioned RLs and it will provide an advanced crossdisciplinary methodology and tool that will deliver a common and harmonised assessment for all EU funded activities. Appropriate indicators will be identified evaluating in that way the accuracy of each solution per security domain. This holistic approach will develop a homogenous RL methodology and calculator for R&D projects and solutions, available to the EU R&D community.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or REA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Duration: (12/2022-05/2025)
Grant Agreement Number: 101073929
Funded Under: HORIZON-CL3-2021-SSRI-01
Funding Scheme: RIA – Research and Innovation Actions
Topic: HORIZON-CL3-2021-SSRI-01-01 – A maturity assessment framework for security technologies
Cordis link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101073929